3 Quick Steps To Book A Rental Car In Kampala City

Kampala city is not only Uganda’s capital but also the busiest business center around Uganda bustling with businesses both private and government-owned. The Buganda culture is best experienced in Kampala as most of the prominent kingdom historic sites are found within the city including the infamous Kasubi tombs & King’s palace. Kampala is the best base or starting point for exploring the rest of country as it introduces you to the locals way of life before you journey to the outskirts into the parks and other remote destinations.

Whether you plan on visiting Kampala city for business trip, leisure holiday or safari to park or tourist attraction, you will always need a private well-serviced rental car for a safe & comfortable road trip. We at Kampala Car Rental offer a wide range of rental cars in Uganda ideal for self drive & driver guided trips and here are steps to help you easily book car rental in Kampala today.

Go Online

First thing you need to do is get out your laptop or phone and get browsing, there are over 100 Uganda car rental companies operating in Kampala city and the bet way to narrow down your search will be through a search engine like Google or Yahoo; you will get the most relevant results listing companies based on site strength and company reputation. Normally the website on the first 2 pages can be trusted, so start from there and click open two or more sites , compare prices based on type of car you are looking for and then inquire online through the contact form , email address or phone offered on the website. Remember to always check for past customer reviews about the company after you send in inquiry.

Confirm rental car

After you have sent in the inquiry, a reservations personnel will reply you with rates plus terms and conditions. If the rate is within your budget and company checks out as legit, then you can move on to the next step of confirming the car rental booking. An invoice will be sent containing all the details plus bank account where a deposit has to be made. The majority of the Kampala car rental companies require a 30% deposit of the total amount with the balance being paid upon arrival before driving off.

Make Payment

Finally, you will have to send in the deposit to confirm the reservation of the car in the office car rental book. You can make payments online using Pesapal, Paypal, or simply make a direct money transfer to the bank account provided in the invoice. The deposit receipt will be printed and saved at the reservations desk and car reserved for you on the requested dates. Now you have finally booked a rental car in Kampala online.

However, you can also rent a car in Kampala city by simply going online, getting the company’s address or phone number and then making an appointment with the reservations manager to discuss in person. This will incur transport costs but is also effective for finalizing a deal within the shortest possible time.

Planning to visit Kampala city for business, leisure or park safari adventure and wondering how to get a good private car for hire, we at Kampala car rental will be more than delighted to get you a car for self drive or with a driver at affordable rates that suit your budget as well as personal needs. To get in touch, simply send us an email to book@kampalacarrental.com or Call us/WhatsApp us on now on +256760890426  to speak with the reservations team.

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